Friday, October 22, 2010


Do you know Reenactment ? For you guys, if you remember your childhood, maybe you like maneuvers game by imitating war action in the movie or just imagination. Reenactment is like that maneuvers game, but this is not for child.
Historical Reenactment is educational activity in which participants attempts to recreate some aspects of a historical event or period. This maybe as narrow as a specific moment from a battle. Reenactment includes some people's activities who come together to replay a historical event. In fact, this reenactment is divided into war reenactment and non-war reenactment.
Activities related reenactment have a long story. The Romans staged recreations of famous battles within their amphitheaters as a form of public spectacle. In the Middle Ages tournaments often reenacted historical themes from Ancient Rome or elsewhere. In the ninetenth century, reenactments were popular in number of countries.
This game popular in USA and Europe from 1970s. The game that most be played in USA and Europe is civil war reenactment and WW II reenactment. From 1990s, after cold war, there are some reenactments about vietnam war in some countries. Reenactment most be played in USA, Europe and Japan. This game is popular as recreation games and learning about what has happened in history.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last Sunday Skirmish

As usually, last Sunday I and my friends from airsoft club got together in the field. This new field actually has just utilized by our airsoft club currently. Located in plantation, so there were so many trees, make more realistic and challenge like in the forest. But this plantation has been swept from any snakes or another animals, so dont make us more secure and safety to play airsoft. In this field have been built some protecting shields, bunkers, and towers as defence point or attack point. It also has supported by toilet facility and small canteen, so very nice to play here... the environment and the atmosphere like in the jungle, but the facility also complete.
About 2 pm, after many of airsoft members have came together in the field and chatted for a while, so we have been ready to play airsoft. But..huff..just few members came to field..only 10 people.. maybe because the rain was falling from the made some members felt reluctant to come. But it didn't matter, we still could play airsoft the members divided into 2 teams to play skirmish.Team 1 came to area firstly to gave them some moments to prepare points of strategy, then team 2 came to area. I played in 2nd team. 1, 2,3...go..go..go...all teams got ready into action..then line of fire started from each AEG. I got in middle position to support 2 friends of my team in front of me who started to attack by entering opponent's zone. About 5 to 10 minutes my AEG still worked well, but then..oh no...something problem was happened. There were just 1 or 2 BB came out from my AEG each I pulled the trigger, even I have adjusted to automatic shoot. Sometimes the BB can be shooted in long distance, but sometimes it just fell 1 meter in front of me. Hemm... my AEG became impotant. I have tried to adjust anything, but still no progress. Then I shouted "HIT" inform the others that I went out from battle zone, because I thought nothing to do with my AEG.
I have really miss play airsoft, because I haven't played for some weeks. But then my AEG got a problem. I should to disassembly the gearbox of my AEG to check the problem.