Tuesday, April 6, 2010

AIR SOFT at a glance (WELCOME)

Hai....Welcome to airsoft mania community..Here I want to explore and sharing about airsoft. You can also comment or sharing about my posting and your experiences or opinion. But, it's better to describe basic knowledge about airsoft. Air Soft is a sport for hobby that the players wear tactical gears (army uniform, vest, or etc) and utilize replica of gun (air soft gun) which shooting small plastic ball bearing to eliminate the opponent team. The team usually divided into 2 teams and they play some mission. Generally the mission / playing style consist of some types:
  • CQB (Close Quarters Battle) is the way of playing air soft where the participants play in small arena and performing fast action combat. Because simulating war zone, in the arena usually there are some protection spots for players that consist of tower, bunker, shelter, stack of tires, or etc. The mission can direct facing both of team, flag battle, Rambo (1 or 2 players against many players), or etc.
  • MilSim or Military Simulation is the way of playing air soft by combining air soft regular style with military role playing. The arena usually is larger than CQB and the mission spend longer time (sometimes it spends several days). The mission in this playing similar with military operation that includes mapping, patrol, attacking enemy base camp, etc and the players communicate each other utilize short-range radio. Sometimes they also utilize vehicles such as van or truck.
  • Re-enactment
    In this air soft game style, team plays historical battle. All of the gears, weapons and even the scenarios are attempted to match with the original battle. Of course, because it based on true story battle, the result of game also has been known.

    But, air soft games are not just limited to above style. There are many games modifications.

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