Saturday, May 1, 2010


For Air Soft players, there are some rules that must be followed. Safety is a primary case that must be applied all the time. Air Soft is a unique hobby, because it has tactical gear, uniform, accessories, and guns that are replica of the real one. Air soft gun is not kids’ toy, so we must be wise for handling it. Like a proverb “The wrong is not the gun, but the man behind the gun”.
So, before we play air soft, we must understand all the rules:
1. General Safety Procedure
Ø Treat your air soft gun like the real gun. This will not threatening yourself or the others.
Ø All times, treat every gun as if it is loaded.
Ø When not shooting, always point guns in a safe direction, preferably at the ground.
Ø Leave your air soft gun’s magazine unloaded while unused
Ø Always be aware your target and beyond.
Ø Do not keep your trigger finger rested on the trigger until your read to fire
Ø Do not play in home, BB will bounce back.
Ø Always release the battery of air soft gun while unused.
2. Personal Safety.
Ø Never display your air soft gun in public unless it is enclosed in a glass container, which could be a gun case or similar.
Ø Never use your air soft gun just for fun/fad, or bothering the others.
Ø Always choose safe place to play air soft, avoid public or crowded place.
Ø Always keep your air soft gun in safe and closed place (gun bag or box)
Ø Release your magazine carefully, sometimes there are still BB remaining.
Ø Fire the air soft gun to empty target or up direction before keep it to make sure there are no BB remaining.
Ø Accustom to keep away your finger from the trigger while unused.
3. Games Safety
Ø Always use safety goggles to keep your eyes.
Ø Use good shirt, preferable little bit thick.
Ø Use gloves and military boots.
Ø Obey the game rules. Generally, the game rules are :
* Play on fit and healthy condition
* Don’t play if you have been drinking or using drugs.
* If the target in 10 meter or less distance, shout to surrender or shout “Freeze”.
If the target surrenders, don’t shoot.
If not surrenders, you are allowed to shoot the feet.
* If the target has surrenders, don’t shoot anymore.
* If you have shot, you can blow a whistle or
shout “Hit” in hands-up position to avoid to be shot again.
You should be hurry to go to safety zone and still in hands-up position.
* Don’t shoot to safety zone.
* Do personal safety procedure while you are outside of game zone.

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